Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Science and Politics. Because I couldn't think of a more creative title.

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Science and Politics. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of these two subjects is Political Science. However, that's not what I've come to this computer to blog about today. What I am going to talk about is Politics/Government and how Science plays a role in it.

There are many possible ways I can think of right now to look at science and politics. One way is discussing how Politics is used as a way to help scientific endeavors grow, whether it is by having government approval or funding; that's what this blog post will cover.

In my personal opinion, government funding for science is something that seems to have been cast aside in the past 8 years, and for some reason it has suddenly seen the light of day again. I will rant about this later on...

Anyways, if it weren't for the government's help, many of the scientific achievements we have made wouldn't have happened. These range from the atomic bomb to stem cell research to alternative energy methods.

As I just mentioned in the previous paragraph, the government can make or break what can be achieved in the scientific realm. RANT TIME! In the past 8 years, our government was very unwilling to approve or fund research for many important scientific studies. This includes stem cell research and alternative energy. Personally, stem cell research is one of the most important scientific endeavors to be funded right now. Stem cells can be used to help cure many ailments that are currently deadly. In fact, if it weren't for stem cell research, my grandpa wouldn't be alive right now. Thankfully, Barack Obama has put scientific research, including stem cell research as one of his top priorities, so hopefully many new discoveries will be found that will lead to a better future for humanity and the humans that live within it.

It just occurred to me that I suddenly went on a rant about stem cell research and the failure of the Bush Administration.... well to conclude, I believe science and politics can coexist, and politics/government can help science grow to new levels thanks to approval and funding.